RELEASE NOTES ON myLinux 1.00 ----------------------------- mylinux1.00+graph.iso was released on 09.04.2006. So far one bug was discovered: the UNIX time server is not working (protocols time and daytime, ports 37 and 13). To make it work, one has to delete the lines flags = NAMEINARGS from the /etc/xinetd.conf file for the following four entries: service daytime { flags = NAMEINARGS ... protocol = tcp ... } service daytime { flags = NAMEINARGS ... protocol = udp ... } service time { flags = NAMEINARGS ... protocol = tcp ... } service time { flags = NAMEINARGS ... protocol = udp ... } After restarting xinetd, the time server will work. In order to install applications like Adobe Reader you first have to install the old stdc++ library. This library was added to the CD in the folder "compat". You may unpack the file, copy it in the directory /usr/lib and run ldconfig.