A C++ Client

Save the following code in a file called getSumAndDifference2.cc:

    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <XmlRpcCpp.h>
    #define NAME       "XML-RPC getSumAndDifference C++ Client"
    #define VERSION    "0.1"
    #define SERVER_URL "http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/api/sample.php"
    static void get_sum_and_difference () {
        // Build our parameter array.
        XmlRpcValue param_array = XmlRpcValue::makeArray();
        // Create an object to resprent the server, and make our call.
        XmlRpcClient server (SERVER_URL);
        XmlRpcValue result = server.call("sample.sumAndDifference", param_array);
        // Extract the sum and difference from our struct.
        XmlRpcValue::int32 sum = result.structGetValue("sum").getInt();
        XmlRpcValue::int32 diff = result.structGetValue("difference").getInt();
        cout << "Sum: " << sum << ", Difference: " << diff << endl;
    int main (int argc, char **argv) {
        // Start up our client library.
        XmlRpcClient::Initialize(NAME, VERSION);
        // Call our client routine, and watch out for faults.
        try {
        } catch (XmlRpcFault& fault) {
            cerr << argv[0] << ": XML-RPC fault #" << fault.getFaultCode()
                 << ": " << fault.getFaultString() << endl;
        // Shut down our client library.
        return 0;

To compile it, you can type:

    bash$ CLIENT_CFLAGS=`xmlrpc-c-config c++ libwww-client --cflags`
    bash$ CLIENT_LIBS=`xmlrpc-c-config c++ libwww-client --libs`
    bash$ c++ $CLIENT_CFLAGS -o getSumAndDifference2 getSumAndDifference2.cc $CLIENT_LIBS

You'll need a reasonably modern C++ compiler for this to work.