Chapter 5. Using XML-RPC with Perl

Table of Contents
A Perl Client
A Stand-Alone Perl Server
A CGI-Based Perl Server

Ken MacLeod has implemented XML-RPC for Perl. You can find his Frontier::RPC module at his website or through CPAN.

To install Frontier::RPC, download the package and compile it in the standard fashion:

    bash$ gunzip -c Frontier-RPC-0.07b1.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    bash$ cd Frontier-RPC-0.07b1
    bash$ perl Makefile.PL
    bash$ make
    bash$ make test
    bash$ su -c 'make install'

(The process will be slightly different on Windows systems, or if you don't have root access. Consult your Perl documentation for details.)