Chapter 6. Using XML-RPC with Python

Fredrik Lundh has provided an excellent XML-RPC library for Python.

To install, download the latest version. You can either stick the *.py files in the same directory as your Python code, or you can install them in your system's Python directory.

RedHat 6.2 users can type the following:

    bash$ mkdir xmlrpclib-0.9.8
    bash$ cd xmlrpclib-0.9.8
    bash$ unzip ../
    bash$ python
    python> import xmlrpclib
    python> import xmlrpcserver
    python> Control-D
    bash$ su -c 'cp *.py *.pyc /usr/lib/python1.5/'

We import two of the *.py files to trick Python into compiling them. Users of other platforms should consult their Python documentation.

For more Python examples, see the article XML-RPC: It Works Both Ways on the O'Reilly Network.