File changed: mylinux-usermanager-0.98/setup/mylinux.conf

< $MAILTRASH = "Gel&APY-schte Objekte"
> MAILTRASH="Gel\\&APY-schte Objekte"
< $MAILSENT = "Gesendete Objekte"	# name of the mail sent folder
< $MAILDRAFTS = "Entw&APw-rfe"	# name of the mail draft folder
> MAILSENT="Gesendete Objekte"	# name of the mail sent folder
> MAILDRAFTS="Entw\\&APw-rfe"	# name of the mail draft folder
> 				# WARNING: if you have UTF characters in
> 				# your mailbox name, you have to quote the
> 				# ampersand with a backslash - two backslashes,
> 				# if you have to hide it from the shell
> 				# because you are using double quotes.