A PHP Client

The following script shows how to embed XML-RPC calls into a web page.

    <title>XML-RPC PHP Demo</title>
    <h1>XML-RPC PHP Demo</h1>
    include 'xmlrpc.inc';
    // Make an object to represent our server.
    $server = new xmlrpc_client('/api/sample.php',
                                'xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net', 80);
    // Send a message to the server.
    $message = new xmlrpcmsg('sample.sumAndDifference',
                             array(new xmlrpcval(5, 'int'),
                                   new xmlrpcval(3, 'int')));
    $result = $server->send($message);
    // Process the response.
    if (!$result) {
        print "<p>Could not connect to HTTP server.</p>";
    } elseif ($result->faultCode()) {
        print "<p>XML-RPC Fault #" . $result->faultCode() . ": " .
    } else {
        $struct = $result->value();
        $sumval = $struct->structmem('sum');
        $sum = $sumval->scalarval();
        $differenceval = $struct->structmem('difference');
        $difference = $differenceval->scalarval();
        print "<p>Sum: " . htmlentities($sum) .
            ", Difference: " . htmlentities($difference) . "</p>";

If your webserver doesn't run PHP scripts, see the PHP website for more information.