A PHP Server

The following script shows how to implement an XML-RPC server using PHP.

    include 'xmlrpc.inc';
    include 'xmlrpcs.inc';
    function sumAndDifference ($params) {
        // Parse our parameters.
        $xval = $params->getParam(0);
        $x = $xval->scalarval();
        $yval = $params->getParam(1);
        $y = $yval->scalarval();
        // Build our response.
        $struct = array('sum' => new xmlrpcval($x + $y, 'int'),
                        'difference' => new xmlrpcval($x - $y, 'int'));
        return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($struct, 'struct'));
    // Declare our signature and provide some documentation.
    // (The PHP server supports remote introspection. Nifty!)
    $sumAndDifference_sig = array(array('struct', 'int', 'int'));
    $sumAndDifference_doc = 'Add and subtract two numbers';
    new xmlrpc_server(array('sample.sumAndDifference' =>
                            array('function' => 'sumAndDifference',
                                  'signature' => $sumAndDifference_sig,
                                  'docstring' => $sumAndDifference_doc)));

You would normally invoke this as something like http://localhost/path/sumAndDifference.php.